Choosing the colours of book covers

It’s a well-worn statement, a cliché even, that it’s the book cover that sells the book.

I’d refine that a little. What a cover does first is grab a browser’s attention, nothing more. You’ve made them pause, even stop to investigate further. If they pick it up or click on its image, that’s a second […]

The theme in a book - what in Mercury's name is that?

Mercury (or Hermes in the Greek pantheon of gods) is said to be the inventor of the written alphabet, god of writing/literature, speech, travellers, treaties and dreams amongst other things but is best known as the gods’ messenger. He’s also is the one invoked by thieves and tricksters…

I invoke him on the subject of […]

Addicted to adventure fiction?

Brought up on Treasure Island, Children of the New Forest, The Eagle of the Ninth, the Narnia books, it was hardly surprising that I developed a taste for adventure, spy and thriller books.

I did enjoy Heidi, What Katy Did and Little Women which were recommended reading for little girls at that time, but apart […]