The chaotic order of the Roma Nova series

During a recent lively digital chat with cozy mystery author Debbie Young challenged me to list the Roma Nova stories in chronological order according to events and in the order they were written.

As you may know, these sequences do not line up! I asked her if it was really necessary, […]

NEXUS – Book of the Month!

Well, reviews have been coming in for NEXUS in a very satisfactory way, including from Discovering Diamonds Reviews which specialises in reviewing historical fiction. If you love historical fiction and are looking for good reads by new voices, you’ll find a treasure cave there. Everything is read by well-vetted and, frankly, tough reviewers, so […]

Clearing up confusion about the Roma Nova series...

Many moons ago, I wrote a book, then a sequel and what I thought was the third of a trilogy. Set in the ‘present’, they featured a young woman, Carina Mitela, who had been brought up for the first part of her life as Karen Brown in the Eastern United States. INCEPTIO gave us a […]